Thursday 27 October 2011

Walk In The Dark

I'm afraid of walking in the dark. When I was a child, I want to go back to my old house in the evenin. Because  my parents were very busy, so I just go to the place alone. Unfortunately, the roads have no light and there are many weeds around the road. The sound of the wind is so big, I was so frightened. But I really wanted to go to the house to look for a gift that my best friend give me. Suddenly, I heare a stronge voice behind me. 'Wow, what's that ?' I was thinking. I don't dare to turn around. I thought that it must be a ghost. Therefore, I walked so slowly. I walked step by step. But I am also afraid of it, so I just run fast. Although I run so fast, Iwas still afraid of the dark. When I want to give up and lie down, I found I arrived at my old house. I think I was successful. Finally, I found that gift and then went back. Maybe I'm still afraid of walking in the dark now, if I'll walk in the dark next time, I would take a flashlight or go with my friends.

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