Friday 28 October 2011

Superpower-read other's feeling

If I could have one superpower, I would choose to read other's feelings.

Everybody would make friends with each others, but in the process, it may make misunderstandings, mistakes, and sadness. But I don't want to these things to happen. Therefore, I want to read other's felings. I would be so sad if my friends misunderstood me.

 Maybe I would quarrel with my friend, and I don't know what she(he) was thinking about. We can just think for ourselves, and don't know other's feelings. We could not resolve this question quickly.

When my best friend cry, I have no idea to help her so she does not cry. If I could read her feeling, just touch her anywhere, and then I would know what she was thinking.

When somebody want to jump from high building, if I can understand his feeling, maybe he would jumping.

I think I would solve many things if I could read other's feelings.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Walk In The Dark

I'm afraid of walking in the dark. When I was a child, I want to go back to my old house in the evenin. Because  my parents were very busy, so I just go to the place alone. Unfortunately, the roads have no light and there are many weeds around the road. The sound of the wind is so big, I was so frightened. But I really wanted to go to the house to look for a gift that my best friend give me. Suddenly, I heare a stronge voice behind me. 'Wow, what's that ?' I was thinking. I don't dare to turn around. I thought that it must be a ghost. Therefore, I walked so slowly. I walked step by step. But I am also afraid of it, so I just run fast. Although I run so fast, Iwas still afraid of the dark. When I want to give up and lie down, I found I arrived at my old house. I think I was successful. Finally, I found that gift and then went back. Maybe I'm still afraid of walking in the dark now, if I'll walk in the dark next time, I would take a flashlight or go with my friends.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Moon Jellyfish

Last week I went to the Vancouver Aquarium and discovered Aurelia aurita .

I like jellyfish. Jellyfish has many kinds. My favorite love is Aurelia aurita. Many people call them "Moon Jellyfish". Just depend on its appearance. Its body is like an umbrella, like a ball. It is very cute and about 10 to 30 cm in diameter. It is transparent. It lives in optimum temperature 22 - 26 degrees, the maximum temperture is 30 degrees, and the low limit is 15 degrees.  Optimal salinity range 21 - 23. Salt of a lower bound of 24, up to 32. If the water quality vitality better, energy is better.

First of all, it has a soft body and the skin is smooth, and also is bioluminescente in the water.

Jerryfish is an inverte made up mostly of water, it has no heart, brain or bones. It's made up of 96% water, 3% protein and 1% minerals. The body is like an umbrella. Jellyfish are invertebrates. Therefore, it looks very softble. It bioluminescence by virtue of a protein called aikuilin's magic, the protein encounters calcium, will be able to issue a strong blue light. So that is why its body is soft and the skin is smooth. Now we can know why it can bioluminescence in the water.

Secondly, it can swim, and move slowly and cute.
Jellyfish swim by jet propulsion. The jellyfish will expand then quickly contract its bell-shaped body, which forces water away from the bell and pushes the jelly in the opposite direction. Its round head, follows the flow movement. Sometimes, it looks like a little baby, moving so slowly. It's likes a lazy person, don't want to do anything. Maybe not it doesn't want to swim faster, just because it depends on the flow, if the flow is fast, it can swim fast, I believe. Consequently, it's cute in my eyes.

Finally, it is beautiful and also can protect itself.
When jellyfish float in water, the edge of the umbrella groups of hair(the tentacles with stinging cells) and flowing like the case of many small flocks of sea snake dance, very elegantly and beautiful, but if you touch the jellyfish accidentally, it'll be dangerous, even you would die. Jellyfish have speciatized stinging cells, called cniodocytes. Each of these cells contains a nematocyst which acts like a mini-harpoon. When a jellyfish touches something the nematocyst is released and injects toxin into the prey. Fortunately, I have not touched the jellyfish.

In conclusion, I love jellyfish, especially Moon Jellyfish. It is clever, cute, beautiful.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

A Challenging Time

In China, everybody has to pass entrance examination to go to high school. If you can't pass the exam, you would not go to high school. Therefore, I also have to prepare for the exam. I still remember it was February, 2009. All the people spent their spring holiday, of course except Grade 9 and Grade 12. I have lots of homework to do every day. I stayed at school until 10 o'clock. (I wish I was not.) When I went back home, I also couldn't sleep. I have to do exercise for exam. "I don't like middle school." I complained with my mom. "You have to do it. Other people are doing these things like you. If you give up, you will be sifted out!" The word is true, if I didn't do these, what else I can do? But I only want to live a simple life. "Life is full of challenges." Our teacher always said the sentence to us.

Now, I'm a high school student. I never forget that time I prepared for the exam. That is an experience for me. It's helpful to let me grow up. In a word, the experience is not only a challenging time, but also give me huge benefits.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

My Best Memory

When I decided to go to Canada, all of my best friends were sad. The day before I left my hometown, it is was 22 August, 2011. My best friend called me, and she let me go to the park near my house. When I got there, I found so many people. It was so amazing. At the same time, I was very touched. They told me many words that educated me. One of my impression is my best girl friend gave me two diaries. "You can't see the diary now, if you want to see it, you must go back home!" She told me.

When I went home, I opened the diary. I read a page after a page. My eyes moistened. The diary records everything that we went through. It inclouds happiness, misunderstand, love, friendship...... I was so lucky that I have such a wonderful best friend. I love him. Of course, I love all of my friends.


Friday 7 October 2011

Movie Review

Last Thursday I saw “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”. This movie is an old movie. It was written by Joho Hughes. And the director is Joho Hughes, too. It was released on 11 June, 1986 in USA. It is a comedy.

The movie is about when Ferris decided to take a day off when other people were studying at school. So he pretended to be sick. But if he wants to take the day off, of course he includes his best friend, Cameron and girl friend, Sloane. Cameron reluctantly borrows his father’s Ferrari for Ferris. They plan to take Sloane out of school. And at the same time, the dean of students Mr. Rooney knows what Ferris wants to do, but he can’t catch him. To catch Ferris, he goes to Ferris home. And there are lots of funny things that happen at Ferris house. Ferris's sisiter Jeanie is indignant about Ferris always can escape with his tricks. Unexpectedly, Ferris is a docile boy in his parents eyes. Wow~~ His day off is beginning.

The male actor is a clever and optimistic boy. His name is Ferris Bueller. At school, the student all adimire him. At home, he is an angel in his parents eyes. He enjoys his life very much. He doesn't worry about his future or any thing else. But on the other hand, his best friend, Cameron is not like him. He always worris about everything, he is anxious his future, his father and other things. The movie's female actor is Ferris's girlfriend. Her name is Sloane. She also admires Ferris's life. She loves Ferris. Another important person is Ferris sisiter, Jeanie. She lives under the shadow of her brother. Of course, the movie's antagonist is the dean of students Mr. Rooney. In my eyes, he is so funny.

During the movie, I liked the person who enjoys his life. At the end of the film, Cameron vents by kicking his father car, I liked the scene. Because I think through the thing, he must release his feelings. I like to do something that I like.

I learned many things from this movie. The movie always mention the sentence "Life moves fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you are gonna miss it." Really these words are true, we should enjoy our life.

In my opinion, I think youth will like this movie. Such as high school students, middle school students. Cause the movie is funny. And it teaches us a lot. Maybe the head of a family could see this movie, because the movie mentioned something about speaks to real life.

The movie is good. I have A, B, C, D grading system. The movie is an A.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Life List

· Travel alone

·Bivouac with friends

· To be a businessman

· Set up a public organization which help homeless people

· To be a volunteer

· Create a picture for my life

· Design my own house

· See the films which I want to see every day

· When I become an adult, go to nightclub with my friends(just try)

· Want to give birth twins
· Have a funny and tender husband

· Save $200000 for my parents

· Hold a wedding with my best friend

· Go to climb mountains

· Exercise every day

· Like swimming

· Try to build my own house

· Learn to finance

· Learn to cook well

· Read novels every day

· Find my true love

· After I married, I would take photo with my husband every year to commemorate

· Go to Taylor Swift vocal concert

· Get along with friends peaceful

· Eliminate the generation gap between the parents and children

· Join a basketball team

· Play tennis with my family every week

· Celebrate China New Year with my friends

· Watch a sport competition with my family in New Year

· Go to Italy