Wednesday 16 November 2011

My Zodiac-Gemini

I am Gemini. Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac and associated with youth. And next I’ll tell you some characteristics about me.

I am communicative. When I am in a new environment, I can adapt quickly. My teacher thought I always said many words in class, but I think it was just communicate with other people. And I always joke with my teacher in class. I think it made for an interesting atmosphere.

I am not superficial. If I want to make friends with others, I would comprehend their inner quality. On the other hand, when I feel sad, I would tell my friends what I think about. They'll know my feelings.

I am liberal. In China, many friends like joke with me. For example, they always said, 'Manman, you're so fat, you need to lose weight.' Some girls can't stand the sentence, but in my eyes, it is just joke, and it is my friends' suggestion. Therefore, I would not energy about it.

I am not lazy. I always help my mother do housework. And I exercise every day. On weekends, some people would stay at home to relax. But for me, I don't like stay at home all the time. I want to walk the dog, and go outside.

I am moodiness. My temper like the weather. Maybe I am so happy now, and wait a moment my temper will change. My friends and family always can't understand why am I so angry, they thought I was so happy, but it is not.

There are some characteristics about Gemini, also about me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Gemini girl. I’m Arise. From some books I know we will be best friend. In fact it’s true. We appreciate each other. You are a good girl. I know you’re liberal. Sometimes my words can hurt somebody’s heart. But in my opinion that’s just a joke. So some people don’t like me. But we are best friend. But I think you’re a lazy girl. You never go swimming with me. :(
