Friday 11 November 2011

Balloon Debate

My name is Thomas Alva Edison. I’m from America. I was hailed as ‘king of invention in the world’. I have three reasons why I should be the one who remains on the balloon.

Firstly, I am an extremely famous inventor in the world. In United States I hold 1093 patentsunder, and I in the United States, Britain, France and Germany, numberof patents more than 1500. I am the greatest inventor, so far, no one can break the world record number of invention patents. If I am eaten by the shark, and these inventions would disappear.

Furthermore, I have the most important invention in the world. For example, light bulb, gramophone and cinecamera. I changed the human life and make people lighting way from candles into the light. You all know the importance of the phonograph. These inventions are very important for us. If I am allowed to live, I promise I would make more useful invention for you.

Finally, everybody knows I was married and I have kids. If I die, who looks after them? I love my family. At the same time, everyone has your own family, don’t you want to stay with them? I want to continue life with my family!

For these reasons, I should be the one who stays on the balloon. Please let me live!

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